🌐Product Variants

Data Management > Products > Variants

Table Filters

The data table on this page has a few ways to filter the data, located above the table. This is especially useful if you manage thousands of variants amongst all your customers.

Making selection from the options shown above and clicking the "Lookup" button will filter the results in the variants table. For example, if you select a particular Case Label, the results will include only variants that use that Case Label.

Managing Product Variants

In the WPL (weigh price labeling) world, it is especially helpful to have product variants based on customers. Sometimes referred to as PLUs (price look up). These types of product variants allow you set different information on the product labels based on which customer it's for. For example, sometimes a customer need particular packaging, or perhaps your customer has a bulk discount and requires a slightly different price. All that can be managed here.

Adding a new variant

To add a new product variant, click the green add button shown above. This will open the variant editor window. Required fields are highlighted in red.

The Customer and Product/Brand fields are autocomplete fields that will lookup the customers and products as you type. When you select a product for the Product/Brand field, it will auto-fill the rest of the required data fields with that product's default values. Then you can edit the variant from that particular product's starting point. Making the process faster and easier to manage. We recommend that you always start by picking the product first.

Editing an existing variant

To edit an existing product variant, locate it in the table and click the blue edit button shown above. This will open the variant editor window where you can make changes. When you're satisfied, click the green "Update Product Variant" button at the bottom of the window to save your changes.

Viewing Label Previews

To view the label previews for a product variant, locate it in the variants table and click the blue label preview button shown above. It's located on the right side of the table. This will open the label preview window for this variant, showing both pack and case labels.

Last updated