🎫Label Formats

Data Management > Labels > Label Formats

Managing Label Formats

Nexus is built for use with NiceLabel designers. You will need to design labels using NiceLabel for everything to operate correctly.

If you are using Lynx Labeling equipment in your operation, all changes made here will be reflected on your labelers instantly.

Available Operations

Adding a new label format

To add a new label format, click the green add button pictured above. This will open a window for you to select a label file and enter associated information.

Editing an existing label format

To edit an existing label format, click the blue edit button on the table row (left side) for the label you wish to edit. This will open the edit window where you can make changes.

To change the label file, click the blue edit button next to the label file field. This will activate the label file selection field so you can choose a new file.

Last updated